EasyEclipse Server Java
For development of server-side Java applications, such as JavaServer Pages, EJBs and Web Services.
EasyEclipse Server Edition contains lots of plugins to manage different
application servers (Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic), develop on some
server-side frameworks (Struts, Java Server Faces), and manipulate
common file types on servers (HTML, XML, JSPs).
This distribution includes the following plugins:
Core components with a JDK:
- Eclipse Platform 3.1.2 - Shared platform services from Eclipse.
- Eclipse Tools - Support for data, xsd and java modelling and manipulation, and graphical editing.
- Java JDK for Windows - Run Java application on Sun Java(tm) runtime, packaged for Eclipse use. (Windows only)
- Java JDK for Linux - Run Java application on Sun Java(tm) runtime, packaged for Eclipse use. (Linux only)
Tools for general Java development:
- Eclipse Java Development Tools 3.1.2 - Edit, compile, run, debug, test, refactor, document and deploy Java applications.
Some essential utilities:
- AnyEdit Tools 1.4.1 - Useful right-click menus in editors: "Open file under cursor", "Open type under cursor", et cetera.
- Eclipse Utils Plugins 1.0.0 - Save the cursor position of editors when closing and re-opening a file. Access common team actions with explorer buttons.
- Color Editor 0.3.8.patch-01 - Edit with syntax highlighting over 100+ file formats.
Tools for development of server-side applications in Java:
- Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher 3.1 - Start, stop, and manage Tomcat and WAR files without leaving Eclipse.
- JBoss IDE with AOP and EJB3 1.5.1.GA - Develop, deploy, test and debug JBoss-based applications, with support of Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 and Aspect-Oriented Programming.
- Hibernate Tools 3.1.0.beta5 - Edit Hibernate mappings, execute HQL queries and develop applications with Hibernate, a Java persistence and object-relational mapping framework.
- Weblogic Server Plugin for Eclipse 2.0.0.RC3 - Start, stop and manage a WebLogic server. Run and debug applications on a Weblogic server.
- Spring IDE 1.3.0 - Develop, manage and deploy Spring Framework based applications.
- Eclipse J2EE Tools - Create and deploy J2EE based applications, including Servlets, JSP and EJB.
- Eclipse Database tools - Access, manage and query SQL relational databases and servers.
- StrutsBox - Develop and manage Struts application configurations visually.
- Amateras IDE 2.0.0 - Edit HTML, XML and JSP. Manage Struts and Java Server Faces configuration files visually.
Tools for web development:
- Eclipse Web tools editors - Edit and validate XML, XSL, XML Schemas, DTD, HTML, JavaScript and CSS files. Test and validate web services.
- Eclipse HTML Tidy 1.2.2.patch-01 - Format and validate HTML, XHTML and XML documents within your favorite editor.
- Amateras HTML and XML editor 2.0.0 - Edit HTML, JSP, XML and CSS files.
Database management tool:
- QuantumDB 3.0.1 - Access, manage and query SQL relational database and servers access using standard JDBC drivers.
Version Control tools (note that CVS support is included in the Eclipse Platform):
- Subclipse 1.0.3 - Access and manage Subversion repositories within Eclipse.
Getting started
"Getting Started" documentation is available for the following included plugins:
- Eclipse Platform
- Eclipse Java Development Tools
- Eclipse Utils Plugins
- Color Editor
- Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher
- Weblogic Server Plugin for Eclipse
Changes in release 1.0.2:
- Upgraded to new version: Bug 1493734: Added the Eclipse web tools database plugin as required by the J2EE annotations..
- Modified plugins:
- Eclipse Tools (changed composition)
- JBoss IDE with AOP and EJB3 (changed composition, patched)
- Eclipse J2EE Tools (changed composition)
- Eclipse Database tools (changed composition)
- Eclipse Web tools editors (changed composition)
- Subclipse (upgraded)
- Initial release.
- Initial release.
EasyEclipse is licensed under the terms of the Open Software License version 2.1.
Each third party plugin, software or content is licensed under its own copyright and/or license. See each plugin page for details