AnyEdit Tools 1.4.1

Useful right-click menus in editors: "Open file under cursor", "Open type under cursor", et cetera.

Download AnyEdit Tools 1.4.1:

(252KB)  (248KB)  (164KB)

AnyEdit tools plugin adds new useful context menu actions to text editors:

  1. "Open file under cursor"
    • useful by many include's in jsp's, file name/line in log messages etc.
    • Works with debug and Ant console too, support "jump to line"!
  2. "Open type under cursor"
    • useful for all xml's, tld's, jsp's etc files with referenced Java types.
    • Works with debug/Ant console too!
  3. "Convert -> Leading tabs to spaces" (trailing whitespace will be removed automatically)
  4. "Convert -> Leading spaces to tabs" (trailing whitespace will be removed automatically)
  5. Convert -> Chars to Html entities"
  6. "Convert -> Html entities to chars" - useful if working in bilingual team to convert é's, ô's, ä's etc between html and other sources ;)
  7. "Convert -> Capitalize"
  8. "Convert -> Invert case"
  9. "Convert -> To upper case"
  10. "Convert -> To lower case"

Getting started

This plugin has currently does not have "Getting Started" documentation. If you are familiar with this plugin; would you be willing to draft some Getting Started documentation and post it on the forum? We will gladly add it.

Requirements and limitations


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Changes in EasyEclipse 1.0.1:

Changes in EasyEclipse 1.0.0:

Credits and License

Credits: Andrei Loskutov

Copyright (C)2002 - 2005 by Andrei Loskutov <Loskutov @ gmx .de>. All rights reserved.

This plugin is licensed under a BSD/MIT/Apache-style license.