Eclipse Web tools editors

Edit and validate XML, XSL, XML Schemas, DTD, HTML, JavaScript and CSS files. Test and validate web services.

Download Eclipse Web tools editors

(18MB)  (18MB)  (17MB)

HTML, CSS, JavaScript editors (all) XML, DTD, XMLSchema (XSD) editors and utilities (all) This plugin is a subset of the Eclipse Web Tools. It contains editors and validators for common Web documents:

Getting started

This plugin has currently does not have "Getting Started" documentation. If you are familiar with this plugin; would you be willing to draft some Getting Started documentation and post it on the forum? We will gladly add it.

Requirements and limitations



Changes in EasyEclipse 1.0.2:

Changes in EasyEclipse 1.0.1: Changes in EasyEclipse 1.0.0:

Credits and License

Credits: Eclipse Foundation, Eclipse Web Tools WST team

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others. 2000-2006. All rights reserved.

This plugin is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 license.