Orangevolt EclipseXSLT 1.0.5
Edit XSLT stylesheets, launch XSL transformations and test Xpath expressions.
Download Orangevolt EclipseXSLT 1.0.5:
The Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse provides XSLT support to the Eclipse platform. It is the Eclipse based successor of the java/swing based ROXES XmlWrite XSLT editing environment. It provides many great enhancements when working with XML/XSLT. The Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse implements XSLT launch configurations, xml editor enhancements, configurable xml outline, an xpath navigator view and many many more
Getting started
This plugin has currently does not have "Getting Started" documentation. If you are familiar with this plugin; would you be willing to draft some Getting Started documentation and post it on the forum? We will gladly add it.
Requirements and limitations
- This plugin requires a distribution of EasyEclipse containing:
- It may also work with a standard installation of Eclipse 3.1.2. We have not tested it, though.
Changes in EasyEclipse 1.0.0:
- Initial release (with Orangevolt EclipseXSLT 1.0.5).
Credits and License
Credits: Lars Gersmann
Copyright OrangeVolt and Lars Gersmann (c) 2005-2006.
This plugin is licensed under the Common Public License 1.0 license.