EasyEclipse Europa (3.3.0) release distributions and plugins

EasyEclipse distributions and plugins are:

Select the EasyEclipse distribution that fits your needs best, and complement it with additional plugins for each Europa projects.

For a complete list of available plugins, visit the distributions page, the plugins page, or the distro/plugin chart.

Europa projectEasyEclipse distros and pluginsDetails and dependencies
Eclipse Platform, JDT, PDE and Equinox 3.3 Except PDE, present in all EasyEclipse distributions, such as:

EasyEclipse Expert Java distribution
details    download:       

If you need to develop Eclipse Plugins with PDE, use:

EasyEclipse for Plugins and RCP Apps distribution
details    download:       
The distributions have installers for MacOS X, Windows and Linux, and include the Java Runtime. Nothing else is needed.
C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) 4.0 EasyEclipse for C and C++ distribution
details    download:       
This distribution has an installer for MacOS X, Windows and Linux. Nothing else is needed.
Data Tools Platform (DTP) 1.5 Eclipse Data Tools plugin
details    download:       
This plugin requires an EasyEclipse distribution containing the Eclipse Java Development Tools.
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) 2.3 Not distributed yet
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) 2.0
Web Tools Platform (WTP) 2.0Eclipse Web tools editors plugin
details    download:       
This plugin requires an EasyEclipse distribution containing the Eclipse Java Development Tools.
Eclipse J2EE tools plugin
details    download:       
This plugin requires an EasyEclipse distribution (install first the Eclipse Web tools editors and optionally the Eclipse Data Tools).
AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT) 1.5Not distributed yet
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) 2.2.0
Buckminster 0.1.0
Device Software Development Platform - Device Debugging (DSDP.DD) 0.9
Device Software Development Platform - Target Management (DSDP.TM) 2.0
Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) 1.0
Dash (Eclipse Monkey) 1.0
Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) 1.0.0
Model Development Tools (MDT) 1.0
Model to Text (M2T) - JET 0.8
Mylyn 2.0
SOA Tools Platform (STP) 0.6
Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) 4.4