Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher 3.1

Start, stop, and manage Tomcat and WAR files without leaving Eclipse.

Download Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher 3.1:

(248KB)  (244KB)  (156KB)

This plugin lets you manage Tomcat without leaving Eclipse:

Getting started

This plugin does not contain Tomcat. You must download and install Tomcat before using this plugin; it is a design choice: this way everyone can choose a Tomcat version, it is easy to switch from one Tomcat version to another.
Before using the plugin, you must set Tomcat home : Window -> Preferences, select Tomcat and set Tomcat home
This plugin launches Tomcat using the default JRE checked in Eclipe preferences window. To set a JDK as default JRE for Eclipse open the preference window : Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs. This JRE must be a JDK (This is a Tomcat prerequisite).
The plugin sets itself Tomcat classpath and bootclasspath. Use Preferences -> Tomcat ->JVM Settings, only if you need specific settings.
To create a new Tomcat project, select New... Project and select Tomcat.

Requirements and limitations


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Credits and License

Credits: B Leroux, Sysdeo

Copyright (c) Sysdeo SA - 2002-2006

This plugin is licensed under a BSD/MIT/Apache-style license.