Ruby Development Tools 0.8.0.RC1

Edit, test, run and debug Ruby applications.

Download Ruby Development Tools 0.8.0.RC1:

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Ruby Development Tools (RDT) is an open source Ruby IDE for the Eclipse platform. Features supported are syntax highlighting, on the fly syntax check, graphical outline, Test::Unit view/runner, Ruby application launching, content assist, source formatter, and a Ruby debugger. The Ruby Development Tools needs a Ruby interpreter. Visit for more information.

Requirements and limitations


Credits and License

Credits: RubyPeople, Adam Williams, Christopher Williams, Markus Barchfeld

All files of the RDT are copyright of RubyPeople. RubyPeople is not a legal entity, but consists of the following people who have contributed to the RDT. Currently these are (in alphabetical order): Markus Barchfeld ( Adam Williams (developer at thewilliams dot double-u es) Chris Williams ( See for more information.

This plugin is licensed under the Common Public License 1.0 license.

         The Ruby Development Tools (RDT) plugin for eclipse is subject to the Common Public License (CPL) v 1.0. All files of the RDT except for the external plugins and libraries named below are copyright of RubyPeople. RubyPeople is
        not a legal entity, but consists of the following people who have contributed to the RDT. Currently these are (in
        alphabetical order): Markus Barchfeld, David Corbin, Zach Dennis, Adam Williams and Chris Williams. See for more information. The RDT feature contains the following plugins and libraries from
        external providers: RegExp plugin, JRuby, kxml2, The file org.rubypeople.rdt.launching/ruby/eclipseDebug.rb is based on the debug.rb
        file, which is part of the ruby 1.6.8 release. Because of the nature of developing this plugin, many features or
        concepts have been copied from the jdt. Therefore you will find code fragements which have been copied from the
        jdt. We did not add the IBM copyright with every code fragment of this kind. We think that this is in accordance
        with the CPL and is not an intended removal of copyright.