Orangevolt EclipseXSLT 1.0.5
Edit XSLT stylesheets, launch XSL transformations and test Xpath expressions.
Download Orangevolt EclipseXSLT 1.0.5:
The Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse provides XSLT support to the Eclipse platform. It is the Eclipse based successor of the java/swing based ROXES XmlWrite XSLT editing environment. It provides many great enhancements when working with XML/XSLT. The Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse implements XSLT launch configurations, xml editor enhancements, configurable xml outline, an xpath navigator view and many many more
Requirements and limitations
- Beta release - We have not yet fully tested this plugin. Please report a bug for any problem you encounter. We welcome your feedback (positive and negative!) in the forums, mailing lists and bug trackers.
- This plugin requires a distribution of EasyEclipse containing:
- It may also work with a standard installation of Eclipse 3.1.2. We have not tested it, though.
Credits and License
Credits: Lars Gersmann
Copyright OrangeVolt and Lars Gersmann (c) 2005-2006.
This plugin is licensed under the Common Public License 1.0 license.