Eclipse Utils Plugins 1.0.0
Save the cursor position of editors when closing and re-opening a file. Access common team actions with explorer buttons..
Download Eclipse Utils Plugins 1.0.0:
Three small, useful, utilities:
- Shortcut buttons, on the Package Explorer and Navigator view, for the common Team action (synchronize, refresh, update and commit)
- Save a cursor position in text editor when closing and reopening an editor
- Support for mouse wheel: vertical and horizontal scrolling (not testeed)
Getting started
The buttons appear on the Package Explorer tool bar, and the other functionalities are activated automatically.
Requirements and limitations
- This plugin will run with any distribution of EasyEclipse.
- It may also work with a standard installation of Eclipse 3.1.2. We have not tested it, though.
Credits and License
Credits: Alexander Lobas
(c) 2004 Alexander Lobas.
This plugin is licensed under the Common Public License 1.0 license.